Water purification information

Is a water purifier an IQ tax or a health guard?

Views : 2527
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-09-20 15:25:43

In daily life, there has been a constant controversy about water purifiers. Some people say that buying a water purifier is paying an IQ tax, or even that water purifiers are a scam. So, what is the truth? Today, Susan will delve into the truth about water purifiers with you.

Where did the skepticism come from? Those who think water purifiers are an IQ tax tend to have the following views:

1. Tap water is already clean

Many people feel that the tap water we drink every day has undergone rigorous treatment and testing, and is fully compliant with national drinking water standards, and there is no need to use a water purifier for secondary filtration. It is true that the tap water plant will carry out a series of treatments on the raw water, including sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, etc., to ensure the quality of the water leaving the plant.

However, in the process of delivering tap water from the waterworks to our homes, it may be contaminated due to aging pipes and secondary water supply. For example, old pipes may rust and harbor bacteria, and impurities and microorganisms may enter the water tank if it is not cleaned regularly.

2. Expensive and ineffective water purifiers
The price of water purifiers on the market ranges from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, and some consumers may not feel any obvious change in water quality after purchase, thus feeling that they have wasted their money. In addition, the water purifier also requires regular replacement of the filter, which also increases the cost of use. However, changes in water quality are sometimes not readily apparent to the naked eye. The role of the water purifier is not only to remove the impurities visible to the naked eye, but also to filter out some tiny harmful substances, such as heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and so on. Moreover, water purifiers of different prices may differ in filtration effect and function, so consumers can choose the right product according to their needs and budget.

Principle of water purifierWater purifier usually removes unwanted substances from water through screening, adsorption and ion exchange. Different filters can remove harmful substances with a large pore size of their own, and depending on the filtration precision of the filter can work on different harmful substances.
Common water purifier filters are the following:

① PP cotton used to remove all kinds of dust, rust and sediment in the water and other visible suspended matter
② activated carbon used to remove residual chlorine, adsorption of odor and color in the water and part of the organic matter,
③ ultrafiltration pore less than 0.01 microns, used to remove bacteria, rust, colloid, and other harmful substances in the water, to retain the water's original trace elements and minerals
④ RO reverse osmosis can intercept substances larger than 0.0001 micron, and can be used for the removal of water. RO reverse osmosis can intercept substances larger than 0.0001 microns, and can filter all components other than water, including bacteria, viruses, suspended solids, metal ions and so on.

The real role of water purifier
1. Safeguard the safety of drinking water water purifier can effectively remove harmful substances in the water, to provide us with safer drinking water. For example, reverse osmosis water purifiers can remove more than 99% of heavy metals, bacteria and viruses in water, while ultrafiltration water purifiers can remove most of the suspended solids, colloids and bacteria. Water purifiers are especially important in areas with poor water quality, or for families with special populations such as the elderly, children, and pregnant women. It can reduce the risk of diseases caused by drinking unclean water, and protect the health of the family.
2. Improve the taste of drinking water after the water purifier filtered water, taste more pure, sweet. Remove the odor, residual chlorine and other substances in the water, so that we can enjoy a better taste in drinking water, making tea, cooking.
3. Protection of household appliances water purifier can remove calcium and magnesium ions and other hardness components in the water, reducing the production of scale. This not only extends the service life of household appliances, such as water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, etc., but also improves the efficiency of these appliances.

How to choose the right water purifier?

1. Understand your needs Before choosing a water purifier, we need to understand our water quality and water needs.
If the water quality at home is poor, containing more heavy metals, bacteria and other harmful substances, then you can choose a reverse osmosis water purifier; if the water quality is good, just want to remove the odor and residual chlorine in the water, you can choose an ultrafiltration water purifier or activated carbon water purifier.
2. Choose the regular brand and product
There are many brands of water purifiers on the market, and the quality varies. We should choose regular brands and products with good reputation, and check the certification marks and test reports of the products to ensure the quality and safety of the products.
3. Consider the replacement cost of the filter cartridge of the water purifier needs to be replaced regularly, and the replacement cycle and cost of different types of filter cartridges are different.
When choosing a water purifier, we should consider the replacement cost of the cartridge and choose a cost-effective product.

Water purifier is not an IQ tax or a scam
A water purifier is a device that can provide us with safe and healthy drinking water. Although there may be some problems in the process of choosing and using a water purifier, as long as we understand our needs, choose the right product, and use and maintain it correctly, water purifiers can bring a lot of benefits to our lives. Let's abandon our prejudice against water purifiers, properly understand its role, and make a wise choice for the health of ourselves and our families.
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